excerpts from -liberty or love!

Corsair Sanglot was still walking.
Here, at last, is the woman whose coming I have announced, marvellous
adventures will link them together. They are going to bump into whatever.

She is wearing cherry-colored silk, she is tall, she is, she is, what exactly is she like?
She is here.

I can see her in every detail of her splendid nature. I am going to touch her, stroke her.
Corsair Sanglot undertakes to, Corsair Sanglot begins to, Corsair Sanglot, Corsair Sanglot.
The woman I love, the woman ah! I was going to write her name. I was going to write
"I was going to write her name."
Count, Robert Desnos, count the number of times you have used the words "marvellous," "magnificent"...

Corsair Sanglot reaches port. The breakwater is of granite, the customs house of
white marble. And what silence. What was I talking about? About Corsair Sanglot.
He reaches the port, the breakwater is of porphyry and the customs house of molten
lava ... and what silence over that scene.
