andre gide photo archive title

welcome to the Andre Gide Photo Archive

this site is organized by time periods:

the site may be navigated in two ways:

click on any image in the archive index and an enlarged version of the photograph along with biographic information will be displayed. please then (until I recode certain pages) click on the back arrow in your browser to return to the index.

when the enlarged version of the photograph appears you may click on it and it will take you to the next image in the series.

e n t e r
Gide's youth:

The period from his birth, November 22, 1869, to the time just before he wrote The Notebooks of Andre Walter

Early career:

From his initial dealings with the Symbolists, to his first trip to North Africa and marriage to his wife, Madeline, through the founding of the N.R.F.


Gide during the height of his best writing, from The Pastoral Symphony to Lafacdio's Adventures, to the translation of his work by Dorothy Bussy into English

Later years:

His trips to the Congo and the USSR to his death on
February 19, 1951


Selected images of the covers of most of Gide's books